Pope Francis knows what asylum-seekers, migrants and refugees need. We should welcome and protect them, he says, we should promote and integrate them. To do all this, here are some resources you can use in your community or parish … plus some policies to advocate in your country and at the U.N. level.

Depending where you live, you may find refugees and migrants arriving, leaving, passing through, settling, and even returning to their place of origin. This is your chance to get personally involved in practical and spiritual ways. Lend them a hand and become their neighbour.

The Vatican’s Migrants and Refugees Section in Rome has published 20 Pastoral Actions Points.

20 Pastoral Action Points.EN.pdf – Google Drive

The 2018 Peace Message of Pope Francis, and then the Vatican’s proposed 20 Action Points for you to implement in your community and to advocate with your government can be accessed by logging onto www.migrants-refugees.va/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/A4-ENG-2nd-Edition-Towards-the-Global-Compacts-2018-HOME.pdf