The Kilmore Care of Creation Group had a busy and enjoyable week raising awareness and promoting action on ‘Care for Our Common Home’. We participated in the Cavan PPN Community Showcasing on Thursday evening, 13 June last, and joined them in their tenth anniversary celebrations. This was an opportunity for all of the local community groups to showcase the important work that they do in their local communities. Our Diocesan Group collaborated with Killann Parish to show how Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Care for Our Common Home can be transformed into action on the ground in parishes, most recently, at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick and Saint Felim, Cavan and St. Anne’s Church in Bailieborough.
On Saturday and Sunday 15th and 16th June, we participated in the Summer Cottage Markets, Cavan which is organised by Imelda Mullen and her dedicated team. This event is an opportunity to showcase some of Cavan’s finest local talent, artisans and community groups.
We had the privilege of interacting with people from all walks of life who shared their interest and actions in caring for the environment, from the planting of native trees and pollinator friendly plants, to creating spaces in their gardens for wildlife and growing vegetables and fruit for the pleasure it brings and the joy in sharing the fruits of their labour with others. We discussed the challenges we all face in our efforts to care for the planet on a daily basis, from feelings of powerlessness, to the poor response from our world leaders, the rich and the powerful and those on the margins who are suffering disproportionately as a direct result of the developed world’s over-consumption and exploitation of the earths’ natural resources, biodiversity loss, chemical fertilizers and pesticides, endangered species, the farming community as custodians of the land, right down to the tiniest of creatures, the slugs who have multiplied exponentially with our increasing wet and humid climate conditions. We discussed concerns for our young children, young people and those not even born yet who will experience the harsh conditions of climate change and all that it will encompass. We talked about the importance of taking time out to connect with nature and a top favourite for many was having a tea/coffee outside in the morning and listening to the birds singing. We discussed Pope Francis call to all people of good will to care for the planet and the Irish Bishops’ pledge to return 30% of church grounds to nature by 2030. The community spirit in Cavan is alive and thriving and we thank everyone who stopped with us and to Imelda and her team for their support and professionalism.
On Sunday morning, 16 June last, we held a ‘Shine a Light on Climate Justice’ Service in Urney (Cavan) Church of Ireland at 11am. The Gospel of Mark 4:26-34 spoke of the Kingdom of God and how we can compare it the parable of the mustard seed which at the time of its sowing in the soil is the smallest of all the seeds on earth; yet once it is sown it grows into the biggest shrub of them all and puts out big branches so that the birds of the air can shelter in its shade. We pray that God will continue to bless the work that the Kilmore Care of Creation Group do and that from its humble beginnings it will grow, bear fruit and be a haven where faith, hope, love, peace, justice, unity and diversity flourish.
We wish Canon Mark Lidwill every good blessing as he approaches his official retirement.
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