inspired by LAUDATO SI’ Encyclical Letter written by POPE FRANCIS



And now a lawyer stood up and, to test him, asked, ‘Master, what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ He said to him, ‘What is written in the law? What is your reading of it?’ (Luke 10:25-26)

It’s time once again for New Year’s resolutions. Quite a noble time, really, when we look ahead to ways we can Care For Our Common Home. Since we are people of faith, it is easy to see the world with an optimistic outlook and bring the light of God into darker areas.

Have you thought about embracing a resolution related to the environment this year? Perhaps there is something you haven’t been able to muster the courage to tackle or change. This is the perfect opportunity to put it on your to-do list. It could be recycling, composting, or buying organic vegetables or environmentally-friendly household cleaning products. It could also be about your garden or bicycle, saving water or simply turning out the lights.

‘The entire material universe speaks of God’s love, his boundless affection for us.  Soil, mountains: everything is, as it were, a caress of God.’ (Laudato Si’ 84)